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Agenda Outline

08.00 Stands Set Up


To ensure a successful conference, it's important to set up your space in a way that accommodates your clients and showcases your content. Consider the layout, seating arrangements, lighting, and any audio-visual equipment you will need. Don't forget to test any technology to avoid any technical difficulties during the event. Good luck with your conference!


08.30 Registration Open

Collect your badge at registration for event access. 


09.00 Chairman's Welcome Address

Vinson auditorium


09:15 – 10.00. Plenary Session 1

KEYNOTE 1 - Professor Liz Hughes, Deputy Medical Director, NHS England Workforce Training and Education


10.00 – 10.45. Plenary session 2

KEYNOTE 2 - Professor Julia Manning, Dean of Education at the Royal Society of Medicine


10:45 – 11.15 Coffee & Refreshments

Relax, recharge and network with a cup of coffee and refreshments


11:15 - 12:00 Plenary session 3

KEYNOTE 3 - Professor Tony Young OBE, National Clinical Lead for Innovation, NHS England


12:00 - 13:00 Parallel sessions

(Vinson rooms 1 and 2)

Speakers have 15 minutes of presentation time - a 10-minute presentation and a 5-minute Q&A session. Each session is limited to 5 presentations.



  • Digital technology

  • Supporting the student journey

  • Innovative pedagogy

  • The role of the clinical placement


13:00 Lunch Break

Join us for lunch in the Vinson foyer and enjoy a delightful meal together


13:45 - 15:00 Workshops

Workshop 1

'How to get your papers published: demystifying the editorial process; tips on writing cover and rebuttal letters'

Moderator: Simon Tso, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Medical Education Research,  Consultant Dermatologist at the South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust, and co-founder of the Dermatology Sustainability UK Group.


Workshop 2

​"AI in Medical Education: Rethinking the Journey, Shaping the Future" delivered by Dr Omnia Allam


15:00- 15.30 Coffee & Refreshments

Relax, recharge and network with a cup of coffee and refreshments


15.30 – 16:30 Educating Our Future Doctors: A Panel Debate from Leading Education Experts with Q&A


16.30 End of Conference

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